Hyper-V (VMM)
Incorporating Hyper-V (VMM) into your Discovery enhances vScope’s ability to collect information from a Hyper V environment.
Adding Hyper-V (VMM)
Notice: Administrator privileges are required to add Hyper-V (VMM) to vScope.
- Go to Discovery > Credentials.
- Click Create Credential, and select Hyper-V (VMM).
- Configure your Integration Settings by adding the credential details. You can reuse an existing credential, or create a new one from scratch.
- Select the target to be discovered by this credential and click Create. The target you select must have the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) PowerShell module (
) installed.
Good job! You have now configured Hyper-V inventory using VMM.
The System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) PowerShell module, used to manage SCVMM environments must be installed on the target machine.
Check if it is installed by running the following command on the target machine:
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name VirtualMachineManager
If the module is not listed; Install the SCVMM Console on the machine. This includes the necessary PowerShell module. The SCVMM Console installation media is typically bundled with your SCVMM server setup files.
vScope will attempt to import the module during the inventory to enable the required cmdlets:
Import-Module VirtualMachineManager
The following cmdlets (part of the SCVMM PowerShell module) must be available for the Hyper-V (VMM) probe to inventory Hyper-V:
You can check the availability of a command by running:
Get-Command -Name Get-SCVMMServer