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vScope can inventory a wide range of network assets using SNMP, such as printers, switches, and routers. Ensure the correct credentials and IP range access settings are in place to enable successful discovery.

Requirements for SNMP Discovery

  • Credential: Provide the appropriate credential for the SNMP version (v1, v2c, or v3).
  • Network Access: The vScope server must have access to the network IP range for SNMP queries.
    • SNMP Ports: Typically uses UDP port 161 for standard SNMP and UDP port 10161 for secure SNMPv3.

Configuring SNMP Versions

SNMP v1 & v2c

For SNMP versions 1 and 2c, you only need to enter the community string for devices in the SNMP credential. Commonly, this is set to "public" in lowercase by default. Then, specify the IP ranges where these devices are located.


SNMP version 3 requires additional credentials due to enhanced security. Enter all necessary details and configure the target IP ranges for devices using SNMPv3.

Collecting Custom OIDs

By using Tags from Discovery, you can collect custom values from OIDs on network devices and add them as tags in vScope.

Steps to Add Custom OIDs

  1. Open SNMP Credential Settings
    Go to the Advanced section of your SNMP credential configuration.

  2. Input Extra OIDs
    Enter the specific OIDs you wish to collect from your network devices. Separate multiple OIDs with commas.

  3. Save the Credential
    Save the changes. During the next discovery scan, vScope will automatically pull data from the specified OIDs and walk down the Management Information Base (MIB) tree from those points.

  4. Run a Discovery
    Start a Discovery with the updated SNMP credential settings.

  5. Configure Tags from Discovery
    Once the discovery scan completes, go to Tags > Tags from Discovery to manage the collected values. Configure the tags as desired for improved visibility in vScope.

  6. Run Another Discovery
    Initiate another discovery to apply the new tag configuration to all SNMP devices of the same model.

You can now access your custom OID values within vScope, making it easier to track and analyze specific attributes of SNMP-managed assets.

Additional Resources

Common Errors

ErrorWhat happened?Suggested action
No response: Connection timed outThe SNMP credential was unable to connect to the target.Make sure that the correct SNMP version and port are being used for the target.
Target did not respond. It might be down or access is deniedGeneric error for failed discovery.Common errors: Device not responding or Invalid credentials.
Device is not foundMost likely due to the absence of a globally unique MAC address for vScope to uniquely identify the asset.Ensure that the asset has a globally unique MAC address assigned.
Device is found, but added as All MachineCaused by the missing MIB module for printer management.Install or load the MIB module for printer management.
Device is found, but is missing informationDue to a mismatch of the expected OID structure.Use Custom OID to add more OIDs to vScope’s inventory or submit a feature request to the support team to improve SNMP discovery.


To help us to better understand the issue, we recommend running a SNMP test using Paessler’s SNMP Tester Tool.

  1. Run the SNMP Tester, target the missing devices(es).
  2. Share the results with