Incorrect Last Logon from Active Directory
If the last logon date in vScope doesn’t align with the information in Active Directory (AD), follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue.
Steps to Resolve Last Logon Discrepancies
Verify Domain Controller Inventory
Ensure that vScope is configured to inventory all domain controllers (DCs) in your environment. Missing data from one or more DCs may lead to outdated or incomplete last logon information in vScope.
Compare Last Logon Timestamp with AD
Use the following PowerShell command on a DC to retrieve the
for all users in the specified search base. This will help confirm if the data vScope is displaying matches the data in AD.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com,DC=au' -Properties Name,LastLogonTimestamp | Select Name,LastLogonTimestamp | Out-GridView
Replace DC=domain,DC=com,DC=au
with your domain’s details.
Check for Permission Issues
Ensure that the credentials used by vScope have sufficient permissions to access the
attribute. Sometimes, a lack of permissions results in missing or outdated information. For further details on permissions issues, refer to this Microsoft Technet discussion.