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Find Base DN Setting

The Base DN setting in vScope specifies the starting point for searches in Active Directory. Ideally, this should match the root of your domain to ensure vScope can locate all AD objects under that root.

Configuring the Base DN

To set the Base DN, you need to convert your domain name. For example:

  1. Locate your domain name.
    • Example: If your domain name is ISL.local, split it by each component and add dc= before each, separated by commas: dc=ISL,dc=local

Finding Base DN in Active Directory Users and Computers

  1. Examples for Other Domains:
  • domain.acme.orgdc=domain,dc=acme,dc=org
  • malmo.vscope.netdc=malmo,dc=vscope,dc=net

Users and Groups Base DN

The Users Base DN and Groups Base DN settings specify where in AD to search for users and groups, respectively. These fields are optional and can be left empty if you want to include all users and groups under the Base DN.

If your domain is ISL.local and your users and groups are stored in the default location (ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local), you can configure these settings as:

  • Users Base DN: ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local
  • Groups Base DN: ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local


Assuming your domain is ISL.local and users/groups are in ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local, the settings should be:

  • Base DN: dc=ISL,dc=local
  • Users Base DN: ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local
  • Groups Base DN: ou=Users,dc=ISL,dc=local

To confirm your domain settings, open Active Directory Users and Computers on your Active Directory server.

This configuration allows vScope to accurately locate users and groups within your AD structure.