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System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

Integrating Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) with vScope enables asset discovery for servers, clients, and mobile devices. This setup leverages SQL queries on the SCCM SQL database, requiring appropriate read access.


  • Credential: Full read permissions on the SCCM database, with a minimum of the Microsoft SQL role db_datareader.
  • Port: Default port is 1433.

Minimum Rights to Read MCEM (SCCM)

vScope uses the MCEM (formerly SCCM) SQL database as a data source. The service account for inventorying MCEM (SCCM) will need at least the db_datareader role.

  1. Log onto the SCCM SQL database.

  2. Create a user (e.g., sccmreader). SQL Server Authentication is used in this example, but Windows Authentication can be used if preferred.

  3. Set Default Database to the SCCM database, such as CM_IL1.

    SCCM settings display showcasing user access permissions, focusing on role configuration for secure system management.

  4. Server Roles: Set to public.

    Overview of access in SCCM

  5. User Mapping: Under “Users mapped to this login,” check the SCCM database (e.g., CM_IL1).

  6. Database Role Membership for CM_IL1: Check db_datareader.

    SCCM settings display showcasing user access permissions, focusing on role configuration for secure system management.

  7. Status: Ensure that the user is allowed to connect and is active.

    Configuring Login properties for sccm reader

Extended Discovery: Hardware Inventory

To improve asset discovery, enable specific values in the Hardware Inventory settings in SCCM:

  • Computer System Product (Win32_ComputerSystemProduct)
  • Operating System (Win32_OperatingSystem)
  • Process (Win32_Process)
  • Quick Fix Engineering (Win32_QuickFixEngineering)
  • Disk Drives (Win32_DiskDrives)
  • Disk Partition (Win32_DiskPartition)


Error: System Not Supported

If vScope cannot find the Sites table in the SCCM database, this error may occur.

  1. Permissions: Verify that the service account has read permissions for the Sites table.
  2. Custom Port: Confirm that the correct port is configured in Discovery Manager if using a non-default port.
  3. SQL Query Validation
    Run the following query to check for access to the Sites table:
    SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE CASE WHEN state_desc = 'ONLINE' THEN OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(name) + '.[dbo].[Sites]', 'U') END IS NOT NULL;

Inaccurate Patch Information

Confirm that the MECM hardware inventory is properly set up

MECM needs to be set up properly for vScope to be able to view the latest patch dates. Enable the following values under ‘Hardware Inventory’ in MECM (SCCM):

  • Operating System (Win32_OperatingSystem)
    • Serial Number
  • Quick Fix Engineering (Win32_quickfixengineering)
    • The whole package (includes patch information)

These values are not enabled by default for SCCM 2016.