What Are the Different Permission Groups?

There are four different permission groups in vScope:

Admin, Contributor, User and Viewer.

As a user the permission group will enable what kind of functionality you are allowed to use.

Login to vScopeΟΟΟΟ
Access Table Explorer(Restricted)ΟΟΟ
Access tables(Restricted)ΟΟΟ
Build tablesXΟΟΟ
Access DashboardXΟΟΟ
Access TrackerXΟΟΟ
Use OmnisearchXΟΟΟ
Create Tracker casesXXΟΟ
Access Tag ManagerXXΟΟ
Access Discovery ManagerXXXΟ
Access Settings pageXXXΟ
Manage usersXXXΟ
Manage integrationXXXΟ
Service Mapping
View Service Cards(Restricted)ΟΟΟ
Edit Service Cards(Restricted)(Restricted)ΟΟ
Manage SettingsXXΟΟ
View Billing OverviewXXΟΟ
Manage Price ListsXXΟΟ

Detailed description

Admins (highest permission)

Full administrator rights. Can access Discovery Manager to add/remove/change what’s to be inventoried by vScope. An admin can also access the setting page and add/remove users locally or through Active Directory integration.


This permission group can contribute to vScope by adding tags and notations to resources. They can also manage Tracker cases. However, they cannot manage users, settings or Discovery manager.


Users can access all data, Tracker cases, and build tables on their own. They are not allowed to manage vScope settings or the Discovery manager.

Viewers (lowest permission)
A viewer can only read the information provided for them by the other user groups. For example, different tables are shared with them directly or provided for this specific viewer group. They have very limited access to vScope and cannot build, access, or browse information beyond what has been shared with them.

Extended Permission Groups

IT Service Viewers

This group provides Viewers with read access to IT services.

Service Mapping Editor

This group provides Viewers and Users create and edit access to IT service cards that are shared via Collaborators.

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