How to Install vScope on Linux

To install the packages from our repository follow the steps below and type the commands in a console on the machine.

Step 1: Import the InfraSight Labs GPG key

We sign all packages with the InfraSight Labs Signing Key (PGP key 024284EA with fingerprint 6198 C465 A90C 5311 BAED 1948 2BDB 7158 0242 84EA)

Alternative 1: Import key from our distribution server

> wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Alternative 2: Import key from a public PGP Key Server

> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 024284EA

Step 2: Add vScope APT repository

> echo 'deb release main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscope.list
> sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Install vScope Server package

(You may need to install the apt-transport-https package before proceeding)

> sudo apt-get install vscopeserver

After installation, continue setup in a browser at


Alternative Step 3: Install vScope Proxy package

> sudo apt-get install vscopeproxy

It’s also possible to download the distribution independent version from:

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