Depending on the NetApp configuration there are two different ways to enable the integration to NetApp storage in vScope.
Clustered Mode
To add NetApp in clustered mode to the Discovery scope it is suggested to use SMI-S. Start by download and setup the NetApp SMI-S agent by following these instructions from NetApp.
- Download the SMI-S Agent
- For clustered Data ONTAP, the Target (IP address) specified must be for a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM), not a cluster, and the credentials must be for a vsadmin user. SMI-S Agent does not support cluster IP addresses or node management IP addresses, nor does it support not admin or node SVMs (only cluster SVMs).
Target: IP address to the SMI-S agent
Credential: The account specified during setup of the SMI-S agent
7 Mode
To add Discovery of NetApp in 7-mode (non-clustered) the following information is needed:
Target: IP to the NetApp Filer
Credential: Admin account in NetApp