The Concept of Discovery

The Discovery is the inventory process when vScope gathers data from across the network.

1. How it works

vScope’s Discovery runs without the use of any agent software and supports multiple platforms found in the datacenter. The information is structured and correlated by vScope automatically which means that no time needs to be spent on manual relationships mapping. A Discovery can run multiple times a day. The process is always initiated with a ping scan to test if the targets added to vScope are accessible from the vScope server.

2. Credentials

A credential is the key that is used to login to various systems to gather information. It often consists of username and password but may vary depending on the type of credential.

3. Targets

Targets are the keyholes where we aim our credentials to in order gather information. A target can be an IP,  a hostname or a range of IP:s in the IT. For cloud credentials it’s possible to use application ID and domain as target.

3.1 Smart Targets

vScope has built-in intelligence to optimize the Discovery coverage. Targets that are found from other targets will automatically be classified as a target for a specific platform. A corresponding credential can then be used to inventory those targets.

4 Schedules

A schedule defines a scope (credentials, targets or proxies) to be discovered and a frequency of how often. It allows for customization of the Discovery to fit different needs with eg. remote locations in different time zones or to update certain information more frequently.

4.1 Main Schedule

The Main Schedule is a complementary (default) schedule that is used to discover all credentials and targets not added to any other schedule. The purpose is to ensure full coverage of the discovery scope automatically without having to create custom schedules.

4.2 Custom Schedule

Targets/credentials of a created custom schedules of Discovery Manager, will automatically be subtracted from the Main Schedule to avoid overlapping discoveries and enable full control of the discovery.

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