Asset types and module assignments in vScope

***As per May 2024***

In vScope, assets are grouped into different Asset Types. Asset Types are unlocked by different modules licensed in vScope. Below is a table that lists Asset Types and the relation to the licensed modules as well as possible discovery platforms from which assets can be retrieved.

Asset Types and module mapping

Asset TypeModulePlatform
Access PointCertificate, Network, PrinterSNMP, Custom SQL
Adobe Product ProfilesCloud SpendAdobe
All MachinesCertificate, Client, Database, Network, Server,
Storage, Virtualization
Azure RM, LDAP, WMI, WinRM, VMware, SCCM,
Hyper-V, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle
Amazon BucketsCloud, StorageAmazon Web Services
Amazon Disk SnapshotsCloud, StorageAmazon Web Services
Amazon Security GroupsCloudAmazon Web Services
API ProductsCloudAzure RM
APISCloudAzure RM
Application PoolsIISWMI
ApplicationsClient, ServerAzure RM, Desktop Central, Jamf, SCCM, SSH, WMI
Azure App RegistrationCloudAzure RM
Azure App ServicesCloudAzure RM
Azure Storage AccountCloudAzure RM
CertificatesCertificateHTTP, WMI
Cloud AccountsCloudAmazon Web Services
ClustersStorage, VirtualizationDesktop Central, SCCM
Database SystemsDatabaseAzure RM, Microsoft SQL Server
DatabasesDatabase, BillingMicrosoft SQL Server
DatastoresDatabase, Storage, VirtualizationVMWare
DisksClient, Cloud, Database, Server, Storage,
Amazon, Web Services, SCCM, WMI, WMware, SSH, Oracle
Display DevicesClientSCCM, Desktop Central, CustomSQL
Docker VolumesContainerDocker
Docking StationsClientCustomSQL
DomainsDirectoryAzure RM, LDAP
File System SharesServer, Storage, VirtualizationSSH, VMWare, WMI
File SystemsClient, Server, Storage, VirtualizationMicrosoft SQL Server, SNMP, SSH, VMware, WMI, Oracle
Group PoliciesDirectoryLDAP, WMI
GroupsDirectory, Client, Cloud, ServerAdobe, Azure RM, G Suite, LDAP, SSH, WMI
IP AddressesCertificate, Client, Cloud, Database, Network,
Printer, Server, Storage, Virtualization
Amazon Web Services, Azure RM, Desktop Central,
Docker, HTTP, Jamf, LDAP, Microsoft SQL Server,
Port Scan, SCCM, SNMP, SSH, VMware, WMI
IT ServicesService MappingAll
JobsBackup, Client, Database, ServerMicrosoft SQL Server, Veeam, WMI
License PlansCloud SpendAzure RM
Load BalancersNetworkCustom SQL
Mobile DevicesMobile DevicesAzure RM, Desktop Central, Jamf
Operating SystemsDirectory, Certificate, Client, Cloud, Database,
Network, Printer, Server, Storage, Virtualization
Azure RM, Desktop Central, Jamf, LDAP, SCCM, SSH,
VMware, WMI
Oracle SchemasDatabaseOracle
Organizational UnitsDirectoryDesktop Central, G Suite, LDAP
Physical DisksClient, Server, StorageJamf, SCCM, SSH, WMI
Physical MachinesClient, Database, Server, BillingAzure RM, Desktop Central, Jamf, LDAP, SNMP,
Veeam, VMware
Physical SwitchesNetworkSNMP
PortgroupsNetwork, VirtualizationSNMP, VMware
PrintersNetwork, PrinterSNMP
ProcessesDirectory, Client, ServerMicrosoft SQL Server, SNMP, WMI
RepositoriesBackup, Cloud, StorageVeeam
Resource GroupsCloudAzure RM
Resource PoolsStorage, VirtualizationVMware
SAN Disk DrivesStorageNetApp, SMI-S
SAN File SystemsStorageNetApp, SMI-S
SAN SnapshotsStorageNetApp, SMI-S
SAN Storage PoolsStorageNetApp, SMI-S
SAN SystemsStorageNetApp, SMI-S
SCCM DeploymentsClient, ServerSCCM
SCCM Device DeploymentsClient, ServerSCCM
Service PlansCloud SpendAzure RM
Service SubscriptionsCloudAzure RM
ServicesClient, ServerAzure RM, HTTP, SNMP, VMware, WMI
SubscriptionsCloud SpendAzure RM
Switch PortsNetworkSNMP
User AccountsDirectory, Client, Cloud, Server, BillingAdobe, Amazon Web Services, Azure RM, G Suite,
Virtual MachinesBackup, Network, Virtualization, BillingAmazon Web Services, Azure RM, Desktop Central,
Docker, LDAP, Microsoft SQL Server, SCCM, SSH
VMware, WinRM, WMI
Virtual NetworksNetwork, VirtualizationAmazon Web Services, Azure RM, Docker
Virtual SwitchesNetwork, VirtualizationVMware, WMI
Virtualization HostsVirtualization, BillingSNMP, VMware
VLANsNetwork, VirtualizationVMWare
VM Snapshots & CheckpointsBackup, Storage, VirtualizationVMware, VMM